The impact of the Olympic Games on Chinese clothing
Source: | Author:clothing-100 | Published time: 2015-03-17 | 907 Views | Share:
2008 is an unusual year for China, the Chinese themselves can hold a rare Olympic Games, the country attention, the Olympic events held, for the clothing industry, whether there is any impact?

        The arrival of the Olympic Games has good and bad effects on the clothing industry, good aspects: foreign clothing lovers know more about Chinese fabrics and Chinese elements, which may be used more in the future. On the bad side: clothing is not selling well in Beijing at the moment, perhaps during the Olympic Games people are concerned about the Olympics, and the positive after-effects of the Olympics on clothing have not yet played out. But overall the impact on the clothing industry is not very big.

        Why is the impact not great?

        First, due to economic reasons, the beginning of the year to now clothing small and medium-sized enterprises have closed down a lot, the Olympic Games can bring prestige to the country, but do not forget that 2008 is a more difficult year for the Chinese economy, this is the Premier said.

        Second, the world focus on China, Chinese elements are widely used, is indeed a good thing, but look at the embodiment of no more than cheongsam embroidery plus silk, in the case of foreign has been flooded with China's design can reflect the new ideas, is also very important thing.

        Thirdly, China's garment processing centre in this year in particular, the focus has shifted to foreign countries where labour costs are much lower.

        Fourth, from the point of view of national macro-control, the tax rebate rate has been reduced and the Olympic Games before the tax rebate rate up, enough has shown that the Olympic Games on Chinese garment enterprises is not much impact, the country before adjusting the tax rebate rate.