Dress code for all types of people
Source: | Author:clothing-100 | Published time: 2015-03-17 | 406 Views | Share:
Dress code for all types of people

A, obese body type people should not wear light-coloured, checkered suits, better to wear monochrome and darker colour suits, should not wear wide stripes, should wear hidden stripes fabric, obese people should not wear double-breasted suits.

B, short body type dress to simple and bright, suitable for wearing a wide shoulder top, so that the body is V-shaped, can make the body show some high, simple, monochrome clothing can also visually increase the height of people.

C. People with fairer complexions are free to choose the colour of their clothes, both shades are suitable.

D. People with rougher skin should not wear clothes with particularly fine textures, as this will set off the rougher facial skin.

E, thin body type people should not wear dark suits, better to wear light colour or with lattice suits, fabric with stripes should choose narrow stripes of fabric.

F. People with darker skin tones should not wear light coloured suits, but darker coloured suits are suitable.